“I have all these feelings inside me and cannot reach them. I used to be able to think clearly but can’t now. It’s as if the meds are pushing who I really am under the table.”
—SeekerGive Now
- Your tax deductible donation to Inner Fire will change lives, allowing recovery and productive re-engagement in life for many. We depend upon the generosity of supporters like you to make this possible – thank you!
Give Monthly
- We are especially grateful for sustaining gifts that allow Inner Fire to plan and build for the future! Your sustaining gift will automatically be withdrawn or charged to your credit card each month until you decide to change it – thank you!
Support a Seeker
- Unlock the potential of a seeker by giving to Inner Fire’s Financial Aid Program. For many, the cost of therapeutic support for recovery is beyond their means. Thank you for helping us extend Inner Fire’s light to all, regardless of financial capacity.
To send a check to Inner Fire for a donation, please make the check payable to “Inner Fire” and mail it to our address:
26 Parker Road, Brookline, Vermont 05345
Inner Fire is an approved non-profit, tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.